Updated to add more words!
I noticed that I haven't updated ya'll on The Kid, so here it goes.
He's 18 months old and gets into everything. He won't even let me poop in peace. YOU try to do number 2 while bouncing a child in your lap and singing elmo songs! Let's see how you like it! But other than that, he's right on schedule with stuff, I guess. Here are the words that come out of his mouth lately:
abuela (grandma), mama, papa, ka (short for snack. It's pronounced like a loud karate scream, kaaaaaaa!), leche (milk), jugo (juice),wassup (hilarious to hear him say it because he will whisper it and stick his tongue out),que? (what), The Kid (well, actually his name), cow, moo, quack, duck, hielo (ice, he pronounces it yellow), red, blue, car, one, two, whee!,
pretty (pronounced peee-teee. He directs this at the mirror right after he's freshly cleaned and dressed. He likes to see himself peetee), isa, dimar, nati, asa (names of family friends), loco, pata (leg, also means gay in some spanish areas), pie, eye, ear, nooo!, look at that! (except he pronounces it, ahkala!), bye, allo' (pronounced very british), wow, what, and he does say other things that we've yet to decipher. Now I have to go eat, am starving, like marvin.
** He also says Dios (God. He pronounces it like Homer's D'oh!), Haleluyah (aaahuuuya!), and Amen (fine, he actually says aw man! But I'm telling people that he's saying Amen like a good little boy, heheh)**