I lost the house

Posted by sourpatchbaby | 1/30/2007 | , | 1 comments »

We were going to try to buy a brand new house for us to move into. After thinking about it, we decided not to. It sucks because that house can beat up our current house. And I'd already gotten my hopes up. S'okay, says The Hubby, we'll get a better house for our needs. Our problem is space. We have to have a double garage to keep The Hubby's tools and to keep the church's trailer. Since our church doesn't have its own temple right now, all the music equipment is stored with us. And it gets cramped sometimes because The Hubby can't carry everything to its spot every sunday (the stuff's really heavy). So if we had a covered garage that would solve that problem. We also have to have plenty of space for The Hubby's trailers and the one that he's planning on buying. I tell you girls, I've got the best hubby in the world (for me that is. For you it most definitely probably may be yours). I have literally tried to take his breath away (by standing reaaally close to him and breathing all the air around him). I tell him that he's not allowed to have any of my oxygen and I must take it all back.


  1. Anonymous // 2:20 AM  

    You are a real whacko! I breathe all the air around him? Gosh, heck with the bango equiptment I would be running for clean air.. You are really a nut=case and feel sorry for your bango church boy!